When you have designed a bespoke component or assembly there are countless suppliers who could potentially produce it for you. Try typing “plastic injection moulders” or “precision machinists” in your browser search tool and see how many hits you get: literally millions! So, on what grounds do you make your selection? I’d suggest that the answer is definitely not
It’s probably true that most people in the developed world would once have owned a clock or a watch. These household items that are now often taken for granted were once critical to the development of our industrialized nations.
But do you know the fundamental mechanical principles that are leveraged to power our everyday clocks and watches?
Back in 2014 we reported that that only 6% of the engineering workforce were females.
In celebration of the recent International Women in Engineering Day on the 23rd June 2021, it seems the perfect time to revisit the topic to review the current landscape.
We will look back and see the 2020 as being a pivotal year when things changed forever. Pre-COVID it was considered essential to have a centralized office but is this still the case?
Is mechanical engineering still an attractive career for young people? Prospects in 2021 have arguably never been better…