
Prototype build & test

We consider prototype build & test to be an essential part of our development process as it provides verification that the concept is sound and that it performs as intended.  Through established connections with prototyping facilities we can utilise both Additive Manufacturing (AM) and traditional subtractive techniques to generate prototypes for fit, form and functional testing.

Prototype build & test-servicesMany of the final designs that we produce are made in low volumes, so typically feature sheet metal fabricated parts and parts that are precision turned or milled from a solid billet.  Such methods are ideal for small production runs.

High volume manufacturing techniques such as the use of extrusion, sand and die casting and Injection Moulding can produce much cheaper parts in volume but often require the use of materials that are specifically blended for the process.  The processes can also often demand that certain geometric rules are followed, such as the application of rounds, drafts and the avoidance of undercuts.

The materials and techniques chosen to build prototypes therefore have to be considered very carefully, as if the materials and the geometry have to change for production there is a risk that the prototype is not sufficiently representative of the final product.  The worst-case scenario is that when tested the prototype provides a “false positive”, on the strength of which money and time are invested in volume production only for the volume parts to not function correctly.

The key to prototyping for volume manufacture is to be aware of the potential for false positives and to choose prototyping methods and materials very carefully.  Key questions to ask are what is the purpose of your prototype? and what is it that you wish to gain?  Be aware of how the results from any tests conducted could be misleading.

Nowadays Additive Manufacturing processes such as Multi Jet Fusion (MJF), Stereo lithography (SLA) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) can be used to create geometry that was previously impossible by other means.  The very real danger is that parts can be prototyped with success but not made in volume using more traditional techniques.

Once production-quality models exist we will organize and manage testing for product compliance and certification to both customer and regulatory requirements.  We enjoy a close and flexible working relationship with an excellent UKAS-accredited test facility that provides us with the test facilities for engineering test and validation when required.

If at all possible we will involve a client’s chosen Contract Manufacturer to support the prototype build.  This helps bring the manufacturing community “up-to-speed”, provides us access to the eventual supply chain, provides us with valuable input and eases the ramp to volume manufacture.

If you would like a prototype built to demonstrate your technology then call on 01277 261066 or email us.


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