
Industrial Design Services

…with a difference.

Industrial Design ServicesThe principle focus of Industrial Design is on the aesthetics and user-interface to a product, whereas engineering design is primarily concerned with the function or performance.  Product design, of course, really concerns them both but is not a discipline in its own right.  It is usually found that companies offering design services are either squarely in one camp or in the other, according to the specific discipline in which the designers are trained.

At Warley Design we take Industrial Design one (very big) step further…

Our team originated in the telecoms sector, where we worked for one of the biggest (and best!) global infrastructure equipment producers.  Such equipment has to be 99.999% reliable and often has to be available for a life of up to 25 years – a far cry from your jug kettle that may look lovely but fail after 13 months, just a few weeks after the guarantee expires!

We have specialist Industrial Designers on-hand to achieve our client’s aesthetic and ergonomic goals and combine those skills with a high level of technical, engineering and manufacturing expertise to ensure that any design borne out of our design activity is technically robust and can be cost effectively manufactured.

This means that not only can we add creativity and innovation to your new product during the initial ideas creation stage, but we ensure it functions to specification and can actually be made in the real world too! This is the difference between having a good idea and creating a marketable, saleable and successful product.

Looking to turn an idea into a reality? Call us now on 01277 261066 or email us.


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+44 (0)1277 261066 or
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