
STEM: the key to combatting engineering’s image problem

One of the ongoing issues for the engineering industry is the problem of attracting talent to the sector. The government believes that if we want the UK to remain a world leader in research and technology we will need a future generation that is passionate about the so-called STEM topics, namely Science, Technology, Engineering and

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Why are there so few women in Engineering?

This recent article suggests that only 6% of the engineering workforce are female and this has not changed in recent years. My personal experience tells me that the numbers in our particular corner of engineering (mechanical) are even lower than this.  If I think back over my career I can probably count female co-workers on my two hands.  Its quite

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Engineering – a profession or a trade?

In many European countries being an engineer carries a certain kudos, like a lawyer or a doctor.   However, here in the UK there exists a strong likelihood that if you tell someone that you’re an engineer they assume that you wield a spanner, crawl under cars or fix washing machines .… Now don’t get me

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