Roadside skips are wonderful places for people who make and recycle things. Whenever I pass one I can’t resist a quick glance over the contents to see what items of use someone has decided to discard. The other day I saw a traditional Silver Cross pram lying in a skip and immediately I was transported
As mechanical designers in the engineering field with a background in the manufacturing sector we are driven to find efficiencies wherever we can – be it in terms of looking for cost and time savings in the manufacturing process, minimising the use of materials in the manufacture, improved energy and power efficiencies during use or giving consideration
Having children makes you look to the future – you have hopes and dreams for them and want to prepare them well for what is to come. But it has occurred to me on numerous occasions that we base our decisions on what we know now, not what is likely to be the reality in
There has been a lot of column inches dedicated to the subject of driverless cars in recent months as trials on UK roads have got under way. Less, however, has been written about autonomous transport of another kind – namely driverless boats. It would seem a no-brainer that if the technology is almost here to
We have written a couple of well-received posts in the past about combating engineering’s image problem, engineering; a profession or a trade and also addressed why there are so few women in engineering – all subjects that are close to my heart. I recently read a wonderfully simple explanation that to ‘engineer’ literally means to “make things