
Immigration is helping to grow the engineering sector in the US

New research has shined a light on the contribution migrants have made to growing the science and engineering sectors in the United States. A study from the National Science Foundation’s National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) has revealed that from 2003 to 2013, the number of scientists and engineers residing in the US

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Telsa’s “Gigafactory” will make EVs available to the masses

The most cited objections to the take-up of electric vehicles seem to be the purchase cost and the range before the batteries need charging.  What’s needed to resolve both issues is a significant breakthrough in battery technology and cost benefits to the manufacture of vehicles and key components through scaling-up production.  To a certain extent its

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Introducing Spot – an advancement in military robots

Regular readers of our blogs will know that, here at Warley Design, we have a particular penchant for charting the latest developments in artificial intelligence and robot design. Bearing this in mind, we thought we would share one of our favourite videos of the year featuring the most recent creation to come out of Boston

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Welcome to Industry 4.0

One buzzword that is being used with increasing frequency of late is Industry 4.0. It’s a term that is being talked about widely in engineering and manufacturing circles as the fourth industrial revolution. But what does it refer to and what are its implications? To explain Industry 4.0, a brief history lesson is helpful. The

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The growth of engineering in India

India has developed quite a reputation for producing more than its fair share of engineers.  In recent times up to 1.5 million engineering graduates have entered the jobs market every year while the number of engineering colleges in the country has grown exponentially – from 1,511 colleges in 2006-07 to an incredible 3,345 in 2014-15. The situation on the

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